Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Happenings.

I don't know about you, but to me this last month has absolutely flown by. I can't even believe we are into the fall months and that we are coming up on Halloween!
It seems like yesterday we were complaining about the broken swamp cooler and now we are turning on the heat for the first time this year.
Its fall! Which means it's football season. I won't get into it but BYU has had a rough start this year. We did enjoy going to the second game of the season, and although we got slaughtered we enjoyed sun-baking and watching the game.
Well earlier this month mom mentioned to me that herself, Grandma and Grandpa would be heading down to Utah from Alberta Canada to do some shopping for their mission. Grandma and Grandpa have been called to serve in Fiji. I was very excited to see them. I always look forward to General Conference but it is even better to enjoy it with family. While I was on my lunch break the friday before conference, mom and Aunt Julie called me and told me that while they were shopping Grandpa had passed out and that they were taking him to the hospital in an ambulance. (Who would have thought he hated shopping so much?)
Knowing Grandpas health history and knowing that he had never really been sick in his life I didn't think too much of it. His Doctors tell him he has the heart of an athlete. Come to find out later that he had a stroke and it wasn't a small one. (Really Grandpa you could have just faked a cold or something!).
Things were kind of up in the air there for a couple of days not knowing what was going on or what to think. I was really glad that mom, Aunt Julie and Uncle Dale were all there at the time and that we could be with each other during the uncertainty of it all as well as the rest of the family through phone calls and e-mails. Although it was unsettling and we weren't sure what the outcome was going to be we all pulled together as a family and helped each other through. Grandpa spent a couple of days in the ICU through weekend and then was moved to a regular floor for a few more days. Our family has been blessed to not have had to deal with these sort of complications in the past. It was really hard to watch someone we all love struggle and feel so terrible being hooked up to all kinds of machinery in the hospital where no one wants to be. It was however really interesting to watch numerous blessings take place as the days went on. One being that Grandpa was here in Utah, in one of the best stroke hospitals in the country, with one of the best stroke specialists in the country and NOT in Fiji on some island or on the road driving like he had been a few days before. Also, his family doctor just happened to be down here in Utah staying with family for conference and was able to come to the hospital and help. Grandma and Grandpa were so blessed by the courtesy's and love of so many people and not to mention Heavenly Father.
It was amazing to hear the conference talks this time around. It seems to me that the general authorities often repeat gospel principals and topics each session. But, isn't it interesting how certain things will stick out to you that didn't before? I always find that you hear what you need to hear at the time. There were many things that stood out to me while watching conference at home and at the hospital with Grandpa. One message in particular was something along these lines: "If you are currently serving a mission, planning on serving or are preparing to serve; don't worry about finances. Things will work out and you will be blessed!" It is so true.
Grandpa is still recovering but has since returned to Aunt Julie's house. He will be here for a couple of weeks so that they can monitor his health before he goes home. There have been no residual effects and he is expected to make a full recovery. I saw him on Sunday for Canadian thanksgiving and from what I could tell he was back to his old chipper grandpa self, and boy am I glad.
Grandpa, don't you think for a second that anyone would be happy without you around. We sure love you and are certainly grateful for the blessing that you are in our lives. :) I love you! And don't you dare do that to us again!
I am so grateful to have Grandparents that whether they know it or not are such great examples to their grandchildren. I have always looked up to them and have always known that I can look to them for guidance in my life. For a long time I lived off their testimonies combined with that of my moms. I was telling Josh the other day how to me Grandma and especially Grandpa are the most spiritually in tune people I have ever met and that I am always impressed with their abilities to turn any discussion to the gospel. That must be where mom gets it ;). Grandma and Grandpa know the gospel is true and live it in every aspect of their lives with faith that Heavenly Father will provide, no matter the circumstance and especially while you are in his service. I really have a testimony of my own that in times of need and in every day life Heavenly Father does provide and take care of the small details. We may not notice and overlook these little daily blessings but if you stop and look for them they really add up. I am grateful for trials and moments of difficulty because usually they are when I recognize the blessings I have been given the most. Aunt Julie has a quote above her window that says: "Joy is what happens to us when we realize how good things really are." I have been striving to make this a point in my life each day to find joy, and to know how good things really, really are and to realize how blessed I truly am. I have a job, a wonderful husband, a humble home, a family who loves me and a Heavenly Father that knows me by name.
Josh and I have sort of unconsciously established a family motto: "Tis neither good nor bad; but thinking makes it so." It is a good reminder to have faith and know that I choose to be happy. Life is great.
Mom I didn't forget you! Mom turned 35 over the weekend and although we didn't do what I consider enough celebrating she did let Josh and I take her to dinner and make her a cake! Mom, thanks for being so wonderful. We love you! Happy belated birthday!
Uncle Dale it was SO good to see you! You don't come 'round as much as we'd like :)
We didn't notice we were all holding hands until after. haha.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post. Good one Kassi!
    Mom you told me you were 34!!! Sheesh, I guess old foegies forget sometimes too!


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