Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 1

15 interesting things about myself...
I thought this was kind of funny because to answer these you have to find yourself interesting. I will do my best.

1.) When I am having a bad day there are a list of things that always cheer me up. I have never told anyone. Josh is the only exception. Here it is: Sharpened pencils, new crisp notebooks, slippers, pajama pants, new good smelling hand soaps, buying do-das, a hand written letter or note, a back rub, my hair played with and a good cry.

2.) I have always interrupted people. I can't stop. I've tried. (But it is getting better :)

3.) I secretly hate that I need to be the center of attention sometimes.

4.) I love taking pictures and having my picture taken.

5.) When I was little I wanted to name my kids Tommy and Emily and often made my siblings play house using those names.

6.) I am afraid of heights but LOVE rock climbing.

7.) I loved High School Musical

8.) I secretly wish my life was a musical so I could have background music to everything I do, everywhere I go...also so I could randomly break out into song and instead of getting weird looks from people they would just join in. I love to sing; in the car, in the shower, around the house really loud and silly, and especially opera because it makes my husband laugh.

9.) I love to draw, but I'm not very good at it so I would rather color. (Yes color. Like in a coloring book).

10.) I like almost every vegetable besides parsnips and brussels sprouts.

11.) The idea of a hot bubble bath always sounds wonderful but I can't stand sitting there for more than 10 minutes.

12.) I once told a stranger that my husband was over seas so I wouldn't feel stupid going to a movie alone. (Which I secretly love to do).

13.) I lOVE shopping with my husband and he has a better fashion sense than I do.

14.) I was obsessed with Barbies as a child. When i'm shopping alone I sometimes wander through the barbie isle and pick out in my mind the ones I would have wanted.

15.) I love to travel.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. #5. Don't forget about Mathew!!

    #8. Me too! Lets live in one together so we don't look so riddiculous ourselves!

    #12. HA!... hahahahaha...hehehe....ha! That just gets funnier the more I think about it!...overseas...

    #14. At least you're not doing it thinking which ones you would like to buy for your kids (only not because your only child right now is male...)


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