Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day Weekend

This weekend Josh and I and two other couple from our ward went camping at Hobble Creek. Josh and I have both had severe Spring fever and have been dying to get out.
It was a lot of fun getting to know the other couples a little bit better and enjoying the outdoors. It was extremely cold as the weather dropped below 28 at night but it was worth it. Josh and I had our big warm mummy bags so we stayed nice and toasty.
It was a beautiful area. I would love to go again when it warms up a little bit more.
Here are a few pictures from the adventure.

Karen and Jen getting dinner ready
Josh making our roasting sicks...such a mountain man! :)
Morning stretches.
Josh and I snuck away in the morning to explore a bit. Josh found a fence. He decided he would be the king. Weirdo :)
Posing on the fence haha.
The creek.
Roasting Starburst. This was new to me but very tasty!
Veteran Starburst Roasters
Freezer bag omelets. Also new to me. Also very tasty!
You put everything you want in a freezer bag and then put it in boiling water. Who'da thought right?
The result. Delish!
Our little hike.
Cute pregnant Karen
The spring. It really wasn't to impressive but the hike was fun. And short.
The end! :)

1 comment:

  1. MAAANN,.....I want to go camping, like right now! I love the idea of freezer bag omlets! Who da thought! So smart! Looks like you guys had a ton a fun.


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