Sunday, May 9, 2010

Love Journal.

I saw this on another blog and thought it was a brilliant idea.
We have decided to start a love journal. Instead of buying cards for birthdays and holidays we are going to write all of our messages in a journal. All throughout the year we can leave little love notes for the other one to find in this book. This way we never lose or throw away valuable memories that cards and letters provide. We will keep this hard-bound journal forever for our kids to read and keep.
I thought this was so cute and we have both loved it so far. It is so fun to come home and find a love note from your spouse in the journal. I didn't think Josh would get into it but he totally loves the idea.
I can't wait to look back on this journal in a few years and read all the love notes and memories we have made.
On the website they were using cool looking masculine leather-bound journals. They were really cute but I wanted something that would last. So we bought a hard-bound journal with a little bit of leather from Barns and Noble. We keep it on the shelf in our living room.
Here is what ours looks like.
Feel Free to use this idea. I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with you!


  1. Hey I love this idea! Jordan and I have kept what we call " Our Sunshine Book" (really just a big binder that we are filling). In it are some inspirational stories that we've found an liked but most of it is filled with little love notes and cards that we've given eachother starting with our dating days all the way to today for mother's day. It is seriously so much fun to go back and read all our quirky little jokes and sweet nothings. So fun!

  2. Hi,

    You should have received an email from csn stores with the certificate. If you don't have a message from them in your inbox let me know and I'll contact them.



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