Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall 2010

As you have probably noticed I fell of the band-wagon for the 30 day blogging challenge. I think that the reason was that the questions were just not interesting enough for me. I have to be inspired to blog so I can't used forced questions. Also most of the questions were things like: "who do you see yourself being with... and who impacts you the most.." things like that. Of course my answer to most of those would be my husband so it was getting too repetitive for me. Sorry. Also, I haven't had a lot of time to be on the internet lately and I was getting to far behind. It just got to the point where I stopped caring. Anyways, here is what we have been up to the last month.

I have never really been that big into Halloween. Josh and I decided not to dress up this year which actually turned out to be a good thing since it seriously POURED rain on saturday night. The trunk-or-treat was moved into the church gym. We participated in that and then we went to a friends house for a little Halloween get together. It was actually a lot of fun. Her kids are adorable and it was nice to hang out and get to know other couples form the ward.
I did however dress up for our Halloween day at work. This year the theme was Andy's Room from Toy Story.
I was originally going to be Slink (the slinky dog) and I was really excited about it. I looked all over the internet and didn't find a single picture or idea. I went all over town looking for ideas and I just could not figure it out. It sounded a lot easier than it ended up being so I eventually gave up on that. Most of the assistants were toy soldiers. We had a bo-peep, woody, buzz, ham, barbie, Jesse and one of the assistants even dressed up like Sid. (The evil neighbor kid from Toy Story 1). I am pretty sure that Woody was patterned after a picture of Dr.Dave because no one could have fit the character better.
Dr. Mark
Kimberly and Dr.Dave

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