Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A new project

Well hello there....

It's been a long time. I keep telling myself that I am going to get better at this but I don't always feel like I have something to blog about. But then I remember...oh wait I can write whatever I darn well want to! DER!

Ok well don't everyone jump out of their seats at once but...I started a new hobby!!
Aunt Julie let me barrow her old sewing machine AND you guessed starting to sew!
OK! Now you can break out into applause!
Grab your curtains, aprons, pillows and anything else made of fabric and run! Kassi is attempting to SEW! No really, I'm not that bad I promise. I actually quite enjoy it. I am starting with a relatively easy apron pattern and it is looking really cute so far. The sewing is pretty easy it's the figuring out the machine without instructions that is hard.
Buuuuuuuuut I just found out that my mom bought me a used sewing machine for my birthday and just forgot to tell me about it HA! I am still very excited...better late then never. Thanks Mom! I feel like my new hobby has sort of fallen into my lap. I even have a serger coming my way miraculously! Thanks Sally! Projects and pictures to come!!


  1. MOST excellent!! Keep at it ... fun hobby. xoxo

  2. Cool! I bought a sewing machine on black friday last year and I love sewing! I am not amazing at it but I really enjoy it and it is satisfying to wear something you made yourself or give a home-made gift :) Have fun, I am excited to see pictures!


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