Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Borscht (Russian Beet Soup)

5-6 Beets (I usually use 4-5 large beets about baseball size).
5 tbsp butter
2 medium onions, thinly sliced. (I just dice them fairly small)
3 carrots, thinly sliced
3 celery stalks, thinly sliced
6 tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped. (I never seed them I just dice them).
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tbsp sugar (I never add the sugar. Beets and tomatoes are already sweet).
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 bouquet garni- 3 fresh parsley sprigs, 2 fresh thyme sprigs, and 1 bay leaf tied together. (I just throw in a pinch of thyme, parsley and 1 bay leaf...nothing fancy).
5 2/3 cup basic vegetable stock (I always use beaf broth).
1 pound fried ground beef seasoned with salt to taste (can use stewing beef if you want).
salt and pepper to taste.
Sour cream and chopped fresh dill to garnish. (I never had dill to use but it sounds good).

1.) Thoroughly wash and cut of the stems of your beets. Coat in olive oil and individually wrap in tin foil. On a lined cookie sheet roast your beets for 1 to 1.5 hours at 350 degrees, or until you can slide a fork through them easily. (This will save you hours of cooking time).
Let your beets cool some before removing the skins. The skins should peel off fairly easily.
Dice your beets. You could also cut them into strips if you prefer. (Like shoe strings). I like to dice mine so the soup is fairly chunky. 

2.) Melt the butter in a large pan. (I do this right in my soup pot so I don't have to transfer). Add the onions and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes or until softened. Add the beets, carrots, and celery and cook, stirring occasionally, for about another 5 minutes.

3.) Increase the heat to medium, add the tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, garlic, and bouquet garni, season with salt and pepper, and stir well, then pour in the basic vegetable stock and bring to boil. (At this point I would add the 5 2/3 cup of hot water and add the beef bouillon according to the directions, stir it in until it dissolves). Add ground beef. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 1/2 hour.

4.) Remove pot from heat and let it stand for about 10 minutes. It will be very hot.
Ladle soup into bowls and top each with a spoonful of sour cream, sprinkle with dill if you want to and serve immediately.
And then eat the entire pot because its stinkin' delicious!

1.) There is a brand of bouillon at Costco that is much better tasting and so much better for you. It comes in a jar like a jelly rather than cubes and contains no MSG or artificial flavoring. It is called Better than Bouillon, low sodium. Look for it!)
2.) If you don't roast your beets first this soup will literally take 5 hours. Beets are very hard and starchy, they will take a looooooooooooooong time to soften in the soup.
3.) You can really add whatever kind of meat to this soup. I have only ever used ground beef but you can try anything. There are hundreds of ways to make this soup. Try stewing meat if you are up to it, also any other vegetable such as shredded cabbage.
4.) DO NOT WEAR WHITE while preparing or while eating this soup. You will have pink fingers so plan accordingly if preparing for children!! (Beets stain!).


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I love the month of October. Although I do not love the meaning behind Halloween I do love decorating my house and joining in the fun festivities.
Josh and I carved pumpkins, after we went with his brother JJ and his wife to the big 12 acre corn maze out at Cornbellies at thanksgiving point. This place would be so fun to take little kids. They have so much going on out there. They have pumpkin patches, hay rides, pig races, bounce houses, fire-pits where you can make smores, tons of Halloween decor (including a carved pumpkin tower), and for the older kids there are several different haunted mazes and walk-throughs. Neither Josh or I are into the haunted stuff so we stuck to the corn maze. It was actually really hard. Good think Josh is smart. He and JJ had it all figured out. I can never tell where we have already been. It really all looks the same to me but they did a good job of remembering which passages to take. (Plus we left rocks in the path to remind us where we have tried). It was a lot of fun. (You can see pictures on my facebook page or on our website.
This was the theme.
This year we had two Halloween parties to go to. The one on Saturday was not a dress up party but it was a lot of fun. We played apples to apples, carved pumpkins, ate caramel apples and watched my favorite Halloween movie Hocus Pocus. It was fun getting to know some of our friends in the ward.
Monday night Josh and I went to another Halloween party at our neighbors. We didn't know any of their friends but it was great getting to know everyone. We played the Newlywed game, Apples to Apples again (super popular around here), and a game called dirty minds. I won't go into that one. (Dad and Sally you would love it...but I will never play it with you!) We laughed, drank mulled cider and stayed up super late. We had so much fun!

We actually dressed up this year! We have always wanted to dress up. In the past Halloween has always been so stressful to me. Costumes are expensive and it felt like too much pressure to find a costume at the last minute. (We always procrastinated lol). Also, the dental offices I worked in always had some sort of theme, which can be fun but it does make it a little bit difficult. I always ended up with something weird and had to waste money on something I didn't want to be. In the long run the whole thing just became stressful.
This year on the other hand we were able to do whatever the heck we wanted with no pressure. It ended up being super easy and way fun! (Also cheap!)
Josh went as a Zombie and I dressed up like a Lion. The only thing we spent money on was a little Halloween make-up palate for about $3.00. More pictures are on the website.
All in all it was a great month. The weather literally turned over night. We had 60 degree weather for trick-or-treaters and it has now dropped down into the 30's. We even had a skiff of snow and I have to say I honestly don't mind. Surprising I know! I am SO ready for Christmas! Josh won't let me set up for Christmas until thanksgiving...can I go with the Canadian one?
I have a list of Christmas cd's I am going to buy this year and can't wait to play them, drink hot chocolate and play in the snow!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Free Fall Printable

Made some fall printables. Feel free to help yourself!
(Just click on the image, save it to your computer, and then open it and size in either word or pages).
Have a happy fall!

Slight Variation textured.
And a Halloween one for you as well. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grotto Falls

We're Back!

Well we are finally back and settled after all of our summer travels. It has been a blast to finally go and do the things that we want to do for the summer. I quit my job so that we could have the summer off together. Josh can work anywhere with internet so he took his laptop with us and off we went.
I haven't had time to blog lately so here is what we've been up to:

We finally bought a Subaru! We found a 2001 outback in amazing condition and in our price range which is rare. We had been looking for months. This is not our car but it looks exactly like this. (I was too lazy to take a picture). It has been great to travel in and PLUS it has AIR CONDITIONING!!! After three years without it!
Speaking of laptops we finally saved up and got one that Josh has been wanting. It is fabulous and now Josh can take his work with him! (I basically get to claim it as my own while Josh is working during the day on the desk top. BONUS!)
So that is our exciting news. We have been searching and saving and it has finally paid off.

We were able to spend some time with Josh's sister Meisha and our nephews for a week or so. We went to the lake to swim, took them rock-climbing and went to Jump on it. (An indoor trampoline place). It was nice to spend some time with them before we headed out of town. (I wish I had taken more pictures).
For the last week of July and the 1st week of August we went down to our cabin on Echo Lake for the annual Oviatt family reunion. We were all a bit concerned at first because the lake was so flooded this year. But in my opinion it was one of the best years. There was no one else at the beach the whole time. (Mainly because it was underwater haha), and our family had the dock all to ourselves.
Also, there were no boats out to run you over so you could swim wherever you wanted to. (No wake rule this year due to high flooding). For me that was a bonus because I love going out into the middle of the lake, swimming, paddle-boating and kayaking. Josh and I aren't huge into skiing (Mainly because we only get to do it once a year), so it was nice to not have the boat constantly running all day. We could just spend time with one another and enjoy the water.

There are some other lakes that branch off that you normally can't get to because of the really narrow and shallow passage ways. Since the water was so high this year we could troll out to those little bays and ski. We did that a couple of times. But the majority of the time was spent just relaxing and swimming. My kind of vacation!
Josh worked each morning until about noon and then was able to be with us the rest of the day. He loves his job so this worked out nicely.
At one point we pulled the paddle boat behind the boat and trolled around the lake. It was very relaxing, but no quite as red-neck as we were going for. We saw some of our friends pulling the entire dock with hammocks attached all over and tubes trailing behind. Now that's a red-neck cruise line!
We were really glad that we were able to stay for two weeks this year.

Since we have travel-able car now we drove up to Spokane. We had never been there in the summer since we have been married. Dad, Sally, Baylee, and Josh and I took the trailer and headed to Priest Lake for a week of camping. We really enjoyed it. Priest Lake is beautiful and it was fun to explore the surrounding areas. We went on some amazing hikes and played on the fallen trees. Dad also brought the mountain bikes so we could ride the trails. I really love the Pacific Northwest. It is so green and beautiful. I really miss the green...and the ability to breathe...
And of course we have been climbing like crazy. The indoor climbing center had a special going this summer so we FINALLY bought passes. Its so nice to be able to go when you want to, but at the same time not care how long you stay. You don't have to worry about getting your monies worth each time. Sometimes we just go for an hour here or there. We definitely plan on renewing the passes at the end of August so we can keep going. It is one of Josh's favorite things to do and mine as well. (Climbing passes are WAY better than Golds Gym seriously!)
We have had an amazing summer so far. I am sad to see it come to an end. The nice thing about Utah is that it is so diverse. We will do a lot more camping this fall down south since it is too hot to go in the summer. It should be fun. Pictures and posts to come!

P.S You can see all of our pictures from our travels HERE.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Some pics

Gala Awards Banquet.
I was pretty excited about my new dress...can you tell?
I had to go early to set up so I didn't get a nice picture outside with Josh...oh well. :(
Stadium of Fire
Hot Air Balloon festival