But...this pregnancy has been a piece of cake so far! (Keeping in mind that I am only 12 weeks...lots of time for symptoms to creep in. Knocking on wood it stays this way!)
But really...people ask ALL the time how i'm feeling. Am I supposed to lie? (I might have to with some prego friends for fear of getting punched haha). I feel bad but I have honestly been great!
I didn't really believe I was pregnant until we got our first ultrasound at 9 weeks. I was so excited but it really took me a second of "Oh! There really is something in there!" before it really set in.
No nausea, no heartburn yet. (I have been told that sets in later).
The only thing I have really noticed is little to no sleep, (when I do sleep I have wacky dreams), and being extremely tired during the day. By six I'm ready for bed! But really, if that is all I have to deal with than I have no room to complain!
I haven't really experienced any consistency with an enhanced sense of smell although, it did happen once!
Josh was making chili in the kitchen one night. While he was cutting up the onion I seriously would have believed him if he said he let of an onion scented grenade in the house! It smelled soooo bad! Since I haven't had any smell enhancing issues before I was thoroughly convinced it was a bad onion! I had to plug my noise and leave the room because of the ridiculously strong scent. It was sickening! He laughed and reassured me that he had just bought the onion the day before, and that he didn't smell hardly anything. It was weird. I couldn't eat the chili either. The onion was all I could taste! I have had Josh's chili and know it to be delicious but that was just bad! The strange thing is that it hasn't happened before or since, and we use onion a lot! Makes for a funny story.
I thought I had morning sickness while I was up in Canada. Mom was making breakfast and I was talking to her at the stove. Mid sentence I realized out of the blue that I needed to throw up....well that turned out to be the flue. The most awful flue I have ever experienced which Josh caught a few hours later, followed by my brother-in-law and a mild case for Craig. The flue was followed by a nasty cold which lasted a good three weeks. Prego immune system? Good times!
Anyways, I feel great! Just thought I would let you know! haha.